SKP RPG Forum instructions
Updated :     14, Sep, 2009

What is the procedure for registering?
You need to make one login for you as a player and once you are loggined as a player from inside that account register another for each character.

The login meant to be you as a Player MUST start with a '@' eg '@John' or '@Sara' and the ones meant to be characters should be just the name of the Character.

After making the logins you need to register these with usergroups (look at the top right of the screen). When the moderators of those groups have authorised your access to those usergroups then you will be able to see and post in the relevant forum(s). Each usergroup can open access to one or more forums and overlaps between usergroups is possible.

As Player account I suggest at least joining the following:

As Character account I suggest at least joining the following:

NOTE: Some of the usergroups are auto-join (instant access) and some need authorisation by a moderator / admin (will take time).

NOTE: The forum has been adjusted to allow all your logins to share the same EMail address if you wish. You can also have different ones to facilitate identifying which Email is about which character (and filtering in EMail clients).

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